“As I Die Laughing” is like “A Christmas Story” with a Southern Drawl, Y’all

Noel Holston
2 min readDec 9, 2023


And a firecracker cannon instead of a BB gun

As I Die Laugh cover. Photo by Noel Holston (Author)

AS I DIE LAUGHING has been likened by reviewers to works by a bevy of great American authors, including O. Henry, Willie Morris, William Faulkner, and Mark Twain. Yes, Mark Twain. Really.

The author — that would be me — is deeply flattered. Humbled.

But the popular entertainment that my memoir most resembles is in fact a movie, A CHRISTMAS STORY, which was cobbled together from several stories from Jean Shepherd’s collection In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash.

A Christmas Story DVD cover. Photo by Noel Holston (Author)

AS I DIE LAUGHING does not have sequence in which a boy gets his tongue stuck to a frigid flagpole. Nor does it have hounds that make off with a Thanksgiving turkey or a lamp shaped like a woman’s shapely leg.

It DOES have:

  • A boy who gets his head stuck in the empty headlight socket of an old bus
  • A hound that eats grits ‘n gravy and rivals the Mississippi Delta in fertility
  • A cow that slurps down a woman’s wedding ring
  • A field-tested firecracker cannon
  • A preacher who burns down a notorious roadhouse
  • Naked thievery, literally
  • A massive house fire
  • A burning man
  • A lovers’ lane shootout

Here’s what one reviewer, poet Susan Lilley, had to say:

“For those who grew up in the South, Noel Holston’s rich collection of true tales will bring a stab of pleasure and recognition on every page. Plus a few rueful cringes. For those who have not, this portrait of a developing artistic sensibility amid the nuances and assumptions of a deep southern community in mid-century America will be a revelation. Holston delves into the places and people that formed his early view of the world: family, adventure chums, well-known characters around town, like the fiery preacher who is ousted from his church and ends up running a canine college and pet cemetery. Male experience in pre-feminist times is explored with wit and disarming self-effacing frankness. A locally infamous girl who looks like “a cross between Doris Day and Mae West” pursues our intimidated narrator like a huntress chasing her prey. Holston takes us into the local movie houses and drive-ins, churches, make-out spots, and along the way we see innocence giving way to knowledge. And lord, it’s a fun ride.”

Make someone you love’s Christmas story merrier with a copy of As I Die Laughing, now in stock on Amazon:




Noel Holston
Noel Holston

Written by Noel Holston

Memoirist, economist, Methodist, hedonist

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