I agree with you, Norah, that press coverage of Trump as he rose to political prominence was lacking, but I doubt that "the media" could have made that much difference. You appear -- appear -- to make a mistake that many people make. The media is not a monolith. It's dozens and dozens of news and opinion outlets -- TV networks, radio shows, newspapers, websites, newsletters, magazines -- that don't collude. Some of them labeled Trump a charlatan from the get-go. And frankly, it should have been obvious from his own behavior that he was a mean, ill-informed creep. It was certainly obvious to me. But he, alas, was exactly what a lot of disgruntled Americans, most of them white, had been waiting for. And there were media outlets only too happy to celebrate him. If you doubt this, just take a look at coverage now. In the major mainstream news media, it's a given that Trump lost, got his butt kicked, in the last election. Yet a ridiculous number of Republicans continue to support Trump's lie and his traitorous behavior. We do have a problem, but the shortcomings of the media are just a small part of it.