I'm not outraged that CBS is replacing O'Donnell, either; it happens. They gave up on Scott Pelley, too, and he was outstanding, the network's best post-Cronkite anchor. That said, a lot of your criticism of her failings seemed trite. I prefer CBS's evening newscast because, that ridiculous walk-across weather map not withstanding, it has the fewest bells and whistles of the three nightlies. David "BREAKING NEWS" Muir apparently took emoting lessons from Diane Sawyer, and Lester Holt, even though I find him personally ingratiating, is not up to the journalistic level of Brokaw or John Chancellor. I will take O'Donnell over either of her male network competitors. But none of them are as good as PBS NewsHour's Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett. They could teach a Master Class on interviewing politicians live.