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What does the Right actually want?
Wondering what their perfect America would be like
I know that may sound like a naive or stupid question, the sort that elicits a big “Duh!” all around, but I read and ruminate about politics and culture a lot and I know much more about what my more conservative fellow citizens are against than what they’re for.
I hesitate to use the word “utopia.” It has socialist and air-castle connotations that folks on the Right tend to detest. Still, I have to assume they have a preferred outcome, an ideal they hope to realize. Thwarting or “owning” the liberals isn’t enough, is it?
So, let me put the question to them directly: What would the United States of America be like if you got your way?
This is a sincere question, not a trick.
There are people on the Left who believe the people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 want to install a system of patriarchal subjugation like something out of Margaret Atwood’s “A Handmaid’s Tale,” first no abortion, then no vote. I don’t think that’s true. I can no more imagine Marjorie Taylor Greene or Kristi Noem saying, “Here you go, boys, take over. I’m gonna go bake cookies,” than I can imagine Hillary Clinton saying it.
There are people on the Left who are convinced that White evangelicals want to bring forth on this continent a…